27th November 2019, 2-4pm, room 303-G014 (Science building)

To attend, please RSVP here

2pm Welcome by the Theme Leader

Steven Galbraith (UoA, Mathematics)

2:15pm – 3.45pm CMSS Members – Lightning Talks

  • Simona Fabrizi (UoA, Economics): Voting under ambiguity
  • Matthew Ryan (AUT, Economics): Mathematical psychology and the algebra of choice
  • Arkadii Slinko (UoA, Mathematics): Condorcet Domains
  • Patrick Girard (UoA, Philosophy): Facing the inevitable: avoiding, tolerating, or embracing inconsistency
  • Steffen Lippert (UoA, Economics): Transfers and climate cooperation
  • James Tremewan (UoA, Economics): An overview of my ongoing research using experimental methods in social science
  • Thomas Pfeiffer (New Zealand Institute for Advanced Studies (NZIA), Massey University): Predict to decide: Decision markets in theory, experiments and real-world implementations

CMSS Affiliated Postgraduate Students – More lightning talks

  • Michael Gordon (PhD Candidate, Massey University): Large-scale forecasting in the DARPA SCORE project
  • Wenlong (Stan) Wang (PhD Candidate, Massey University): Towards implementing a decentralized decision market application
  • Yen Ling Tan (Honours student, UoA): Consumer decision-making under uncertainty on digital platforms
3:45pm –


Discussion on future activities of the CMSS and/or Knowledge Sciences Theme

Chair: Steven Galbraith (UoA, Mathematics)

4pm Drinks and discussions